Monday, February 10, 2014

Non Tourist Weekend

Last weekend's tours were great but I decided I needed more down time this weekend.  So I spent a little more time than usual on the couch with my tea and a book.  This is the view from my usual reading seat.

 I did eventually venture out - just as it started to rain.  After a few hours of wandering around for a couple hours I needed a bit of nourishment - Ploughman's lunch at the Fromagerie in Marylebone.  I love a good ploughmans.  You'd think that the ploughman would want his lunch in the quick and easy to eat sandwich format but I'm glad he didn't.  I love a plate of deconstructed goodies to pair up in various bitefuls.  And I couldn't leave without a little fromage of my own from their little cheese room. 
Later I took myself to see War Horse.  I think Bill wasn't interested in this one because there are "puppets".  That was the best part - seeing them bring three men bring a horse to life on the stage.  It was easy to completely forget that the men are there although I did enjoy focusing on the mechanics of making the horse sad/scared/run/jump/etc.  Sorry all I could get was a picture of the empty stage before the show.  
I ended the weekend seeing 12 Years a Slave.  After war commissioned horses and kidnapped and enslaved people I think I'm ready for a comedy!!!

1 comment:

didi said...

I think I see Mary and Bert outside your window!!!