Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fun Friday at Westminster Abbey

It's hard to believe that in all the time I've spent visiting and living in London that I've never been to Westminster Abbey.   This is where Kings and Queens have been married, crowned, and buried for hundreds of years so I thought I really should check it out.  !
 The Abbey was very impressive.  I loved it - but unfortunately I can't share any of the good stuff with you because there was a strict No Photography rule!!  I could take pictures once I got out into the cloisters.  It was pretty but nothing compared to the inside.

 The sign came out fuzzy but it claims that this is Britain's oldest door!  The date was 10xx (I don't remember because I thought I had a picture of it)

Don't say I didn't try.  As you exit the Abbey you pass the Coronation Chair.  This chair was built in 1300 to enclose the Stone of Scone (which is in Scotland now) and it's been used to crown every King and Queen since.   I snuck a shot with the camera casually hanging around my neck - so it's off center and fuzzy.
 On my way to the tube I passed this old friend...
Then I met Bill for lunch at our pub!!!  He got home this morning from the other side of the world.
 Happy Valentine's Day!

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