Friday, February 28, 2014

London Laundry

Before I begin, let me assure you that I'm not whinging.  I'm thrilled to have a washer and dryer. Especially after a year and a half of rack drying.  
Our stackables are in a closet in the master bedroom.
 When we moved in there were lots of little notes all over the flat telling us which power source was for the refrigerator, how to turn on the bathroom light, and here you see they want us to use a water softener when we do laundry.  I'm a note writer too (just ask Bret!) so I was happy to get these little words of wisdom.
 I didn't understand this water tank next to the dryer at first.  And they clearly had concerns that we would forget to empty it.   Then I figured out that the dryer isn't vented because its in the middle of the flat so the water that is sucked out of our clothes needs a place to go.
 You get to the back of the dryer by going into this little mini closet next to my bed.  (for those of you who know me well - yes, I do look in here to make sure no murderers are there….frequently). Note the retired drying rack.
 This is from inside that little closet.  Thats the back of the dryer and the back of that little water tank.  The water goes from the dryer through that hose and into the tank.
 And this is me emptying it in the bathroom sink.  Good times!  After a year and half of stiff, crusty air dried laundry I'm very happy to have tumbled dried towels.  And amazingly that tank gets quite a lot of water in it - it definitely has to be emptied every time. 
As an added bonus, here is our problematic master bathroom fan.  Again, I'm not whinging.  I love it here and just want to share the unique experience with all of you.  
Basically, this fan is a glorified hole in the wall.  There is a steady stream of cold air pouring into our bathroom keeping the temperature rather brisk.   This is why I've got a plastic bag elastic banded over it in an attempt to keep the cold air out.  But this isn't even the worst problem - - on the outside of the building the vent has some metal (?) flaps.  When the wind blows those flaps do what flaps do - - they flap!! Loudly!!  At first we thought there were animals in the walls but then we figured out that it was the flapping fan vent.   I've suffered through several interrupted nights.  From now on windy nights will be spent up stairs in the guest room.


Mom said...

What about the lint? Are you saving it -- special "British Lint"?

Jennifer said...

There is a lint catcher that is fairly standard so I didn't feature it in the post. I'm sorry to saw I have not been saving my British Lint but I'm sure I can gather a very nice collecting in time for Christmas! For the Mummy who has everything….

Mom said...

I knew I had only to mention it and it would appear for Christmas.