Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The tale of two dinners

Last night I got back to the hotel from work and crashed.  I had only three hours of sleep the night before so I took a nap and woke up at 9pm.  I rushed out to grab a bite and everything in Sydney was closed.  I found a scary little shop that hadn't closed yet.  The meats were unidentifiable, so I ordered chips (french fries for those of you who don't live in London).  I liked the AA sign in the sandwich shop.

Tonight Nicolas and Mei took me to a Japanese sushi place.  A vast improvement over late night chips.  I'm breaking the rule we have about posting pictures of food because this was the best sushi I've ever had.

Nicolas knows good food.  He's from France and is a great cook.  Mei is sweet and single.
She is way into her cat and talks about it like a child.  The single thing came in full view at that point.

When Mei was 21 she broke her arm throwing a ball.  She said it was a spiral break.  In the ambulance the nurse went to cut off her sweatshirt and got the wrong arm.  She grabbed Mei's broken arm aggressively while trying to cut the sleeve of the good arm.  She said it was flapping around aimlessly.
Good dinner story!

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