Saturday, February 8, 2014

My World Wide Network is Expanding

Had dinner outside of Sydney tonight with Kim, Danielle, and some new friends from Australia.
Kim knows chef's like Jen and I know Odd Couple episodes.
 This is the view from our restaurant.  As I said, Kim knows how to pick a restaurant.
 My date and I.

 Danielle has a beautiful family.  Here is one of her daughters.
Danielle was in town from Hong King. The others at our dinner date party were expats from the US on assignment in Australia.  Steve, my new buddy, and I enjoyed making fun of the restaurant manager who looked like Jason Biggs from American Pie.  We kept yelling "Biggs" whenever he walked by.  It was nice to find someone as childish as I, so far from home.
Meanwhile, back in London - Chris was in town and having dinner with me!  CRC reunions happening all over the globe!

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