Friday, February 21, 2014

Old Weekend Odds and Ends

We have a few shots from a few weekends ago that didn't make it into earlier posts.  We went into an "antique" shop that had this oddity.  Halloween decoration?  Horror movie prop?  We each went for a different mood with this photo op.
In the queue for brunch with the Sunday paper….
More Primrose Hill.  Pictures of me taking pictures of the view.  Clearly we were not the only ones who thought it was a good day for a park with a view.

In the middle of our stroll Bill ducked into a salon for a haircut.  Isn't there an old joke that if the town has two barbers you should go to the one with the bad hair because the other guy cut it?  Well, obviously we took that approach.
 This is Bill's favorite shot from a few weekends ago.  That Saturday Bill mentioned that my tights kept falling down…he wasn't kidding!!  At the end of the day I said, "I'm not going to pull them up again until we get home" and I walked in the door with the crotch at my knees.   I'd spent the whole day trying to hike them up.  Here I am in action.  

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