Monday, December 16, 2013

Hello family

A Winter Sunday in New England.
Waking up to the snowfall was wonderful.  We were told we'd have nice fluffy snow to shovel.  I don't mind a bit of shovelling a bit of light fluffy snow.  It's nice exercise, I get to talk to the neighbours, listen to my iPod ....
Then the weather was warmer than they expected.  The result was a ridiculously heavy foot of snow.  It took me close to three hours to slog through the shovelling.  I was one of the first out their shovelling (internal time clock still on GMT) so I didn't get to talk to neighbours.  And I left my jacket at the party last night, which meant my iPod was in Boston.
Ah well, these were minor nuisances, because......

I got to see Mom and the boys!  We watched the Patriots lose.  Oh well, we watched it together.  I brought over some mediocre pizza for lunch (by U.S. standards mediocre, would have been top notch in the U,K.)

 Mom's little Christmas tree was very cute.  She hand strung popcorn, like the old days and used it as garland.
 Bret has to practice making stupid faces.  Joey's a natural.  He's growing a ratty beard and moustache, like his father.  Bret is jealous because he is incapable of growing any significant facial hair.  I keep telling him that neither can Joey and I.  Just don't look in the mirror much and you can convince yourself that you are rocking cool facial hair.  (I had to look away from my picture on this blog quickly.  Much like when I look away from the mirror when the barber shows me the back of the haircut and highlights my bald spot)
Anyway, suddenly it is feeling more like Christmas.

1 comment:

didi said...

Yay, we love having you home! Nice to see you with the boys and Trudie.