Thursday, December 26, 2013

Four Generations for Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is our family Christmas day and this year we took it on the road to Trudi's. We had the little boys with us for a couple of hours in the afternoon before they needed to go home to start their own festivities and await Santa's sleigh.  
The day started out like any typical Christmas Eve - playing Doody Head.
 This is a game Mother E. gave us a few years ago. One person wears a velcro hat and the other tosses the fabric doodies.  There are different point levels for where the doody sticks to the head.  It's fun and attractive!!
 Or you could just play with the doodies.
The boys were excited but not in an over-the-top frenzy, which was great.   They were able to open a present and actually look at it, assess what it was, and say thank you while reaching for the next one.  It took me 20+ years to get that choreography down.
Time for presents!!
 I was surprised by how much the kids liked the wooden bowling games we brought home from England.  It's good to see the kids interested in something classic as opposed to something plastic.
 And, of course, every kid wants a hat.  You can't be in this family and not be fond of haberdashery.

We ended our afternoon with Playmobile.  It was a group effort - 6 adults and 2 kids under six still couldn't get these things put together before the kids had to hit the road.  I don't remember Playmobile being so labor intensive when Bret and Joey were younger.  We were struggling to figure out the diagrams and snap the pieces into place.  Let's go back to wooden bowling.

1 comment:

didi said...

The little boys are beautiful. Nice to see Trudi on the blog, too!