Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas in Albany

Apologies for no post yesterday, dear readers.  We were celebrating the season at my mother's house and without wifi, we couldn't share the joy with all of you.  It was Christmas in Albany with mom, my niece Heather, her boyfriend Matt and her daughter Lily.

It was a Doctor Who Christmas for Lily.  You wouldn't even believe the merchandise that is available to those who love Who.  Prominently displayed here is her new Who beach towel.  She also got a Who pillow, blanket, wii remote control shaped like the sonic screwdriver, Docor Who magazines, a Who hat, sticky notes, t shirt…when Lily stops liking the Doctor we will create our own Who themed landfill (just kidding Christin - we will repurpose and recycle, I swear!!)
 Every year we practice our acting skills with over the top reactions to our gifts.  Here are a few...

Lily bought mom some soap shaped like cheese with a little rat on it.
 I bought my mother a mounted taxidermied bat.  It's clearly easier to shop for people when they are insane.  
 Another successful Christmas - nothing left but crumbs and shredded paper.  

1 comment:

chi said...

Phew! lucky you put that reuse/repurpose/recycle bit in there - I was worried!!