Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New England Life

It feels good to be home.  We quickly slipped back in New England mode.  I'm in big comfy sweaters and haven't worn my contacts in a few days.  Even Bill's outfits are a little more subdued and he managed to go to the local diner for breakfast the other morning without a bow tie or a pocket square.  At the diner I couldn't help noticing how many people we didn't know spoke to us.  A man on the street called out "Good Morning" as we crossed, the waitress and owner of the diner included us randomly in conversation, asked how we were, etc. It did not feel strange to just chime in when one was telling a story about an accident she saw on the highway.  It was so noticeable because this just doesn't happen in England.  Maybe part of the problem is that most of the waitstaff in England is made up of Eastern Europeans rather than locals.  I'm sure a few years ago I would never have noted this interaction but now it really stands out.  I like it.
 Since we didn't see the boys yesterday and I know Fletch wants more of them and less of us (Bill, really) so here's a Christmas shot from 2007.  I gave up the smokes and shaved the soup strainer once I became a grandmother and had to set a good example.  

1 comment:

didi said...

Three cheers for friendly Americans!!!