Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mother Nature (and Chris and Dan) Welcomes Us To Boston

Despite the snow, our plane landed without incident.  We found the one Boston cab driver who didn't know the area and got lost trying to find the house in the South End but we eventually made it to Chris and Dan's place with all our luggage in tow.  Quick change and we are party ready!  (And let's just agree up front that there is nothing cooler than saying, "Oh, we just flew in tonight from London!" when meeting new people at a party.)
 When did blue become the Christmas party go-to color??

Chris and Dan know how to throw a party.  The house is decorated with style with a fire in the fireplace.  They have caterers and a little three piece band and their dog Max comes around every now and then for a scratch behind the ears.

It was fun and we were not even tired yet when the car service arrived to take us up to Newburyport.  The ride was nasty - over 90 minutes in almost white-out conditions.  And the driver didn't do a lot to instill confidence.  When I said "I'd be crying if I had to drive in this weather" his response was "What makes you think I'm not crying?" 
It's now 7 AM ET, Bill and I are awake although we could have used a few more hours of sleep, the snow is still falling and it's time to go find someplace in town open for breakfast.  Happy to be home!!!