Saturday, December 14, 2013

Homeward Bound

We are headed home for the holidays today.  Time to pack and clean (I like coming home to a clean house!) and all those last second don't-forget-to-do-that things.   

We were talking about what the blog will look like when we return home for real.  We'll have more sink series.  We'll have pictures of Jen, Diane and Stacey at dinner at Paparazzi.  We'll have selfies of Jen and I making stupid faces in bed.
And maybe we'll have television reviews.  Since we won't be going out to Barcelona or the Isle of Skye, we'll have plenty of time to review the television shows we are watching.

Here is one we've been loyal to from the start.
The League.
It's about friends in a fantasy football league.  It's R-rated, crude humor and we love it.
Mother Entwistle may not be there demographic, but DiDi?  Definitely.

1 comment:

didi said...

How have I missed this show? Can't wait to check it out!