Sunday, December 1, 2013

Art in Barcelona ... sometimes great, sometimes crap

Finding art in Barcelona is not difficult.  In addition to the unique architecture of Gaudi and those he influenced, there are many galleries and museums to take in great painting.
We went to the Pablo Picasso Museum.

It was interesting to see his early works.  He was more tradition as a detailed portrait painter.  He copied styles of the masters in later years.  And then, abruptly, he starts painting in shapes and cubes.  It's like he was dropped on his head and woke up a different painter.

I made my own attempt at a Picasso when I copied this painting.
"The Rape of the Sabine Women"
I changed the scene so they were fighting over a croquet tournament trophy.  I gave the painting to our friend Chris, who gave the painting to the winner.
My first commissioned piece!  Thanks Picasso!

 Inside the museum we stole some pictures, as we do.
Pretty ceiling.
 Jennie looking cute as she admires art.  What is she thinking?
".... I wonder how many steps I have? ... David Tennant .... D..a..v..i...d......T...e..n...n...a...n....t......I think I'll have a waffle today .... yummmm.... how many steps do I have now? ......"

Never mind....

 Picasso was prolific.  He produced over 22,000 works of arts.  
If I poo'd once a day, every day of my life, and made that poo into a work of art, I would not have created 20,000 works of art.  
Picasso not only painted, but also worked in  sculpture, mosaics, ceramics, stage designs and graphic arts.
 View from outside the museum.  In the orange tinted window you can see one of his paintings.
Going to an art museum gets you in the mood to find other works of art.  Here is a sculpture made to look like chain linked fencing.  I couldn't capture it very well here, but I liked it.  I wanted to climb it.
 This giant steel arm houses an eternally burning flame.
 The city has an abundance of artistic graffiti as well.  Although this one appears to have been desecrated with a sloppy swastika. 
We also found these little gems.  There were dozens of Christmas booths set up.  Half seemed to sell nativity scenes and half sold these logs with smiley faces.  Did each vendor feel pressure when the smiley log salesman came be and told them "You know, Theresa in the booth next to you is investing big in my smiley logs.... you'll want to jump in quickly before it's too late..."
These logs are the worst of Christmas.  Except for the fights in Walmart.  Those are worse.
Merry Christmas season friends.
Go find some real art to make you happy.

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