Friday, December 27, 2013

More Christmas!

We have a new monkey!!  He has no name and no personality yet.  Creating a monkey persona is serious business and cannot be taken lightly.  We have a history of stellar names like "Monkey" and "Other Monkey" so you can see we have a reputation for creativity to uphold.  (In other words, my mind is a blank - send monkey names.)
After 20 years of athletic jerseys and sweat pants Joey is starting to dress like an adult, in cords and khaki's and sweaters.    But just when we think he's fully integrated into adulthood he asks for silly knee high socks.
 Joey made Bill a great mug of photos from his visit to England.  And I got a photo album of our Joey and Allie UK adventures.

Bill here:  Notice how I'm wearing short sleeves in Trudie-Bake-Oven that Mom calls her home.
Even a cactus would complain about how high Mom keeps the heat.
Hats were the theme this year.  A cap for Bret...

We also got Wyatte a similar cap, as you saw in a previous post.  It's a tad too big, so Bret may have two hats for Christmas.
 An Eton boy's beanie-ish cap for Joey and a pink fluffy pimp hat for Allie.

Bill here:  I bought Joey this ridiculous hat in a posh shop in Eton.  I figured he could wear it at camp on ridiculous beanie hat day but I think he thought it was serious.  This may be the first time Joey was uncomfortable wearing something goofy.  He's worn afro wigs and teletubbie costumes, but this hat was the thing that pushed him over the edge.  Maybe it was the combination of the hat and the high socks together.
Allie, meanwhile, seemed to love her fuzzy pink thing.
 Trudi's favorite was a little portrait of Bill.

Bill here:  Who gives out paintings of themselves for Christmas?  I do!
I'm struggling to maintain relevancy with my family while I'm away in London, so this was a way to make sure I'm on their minds.


didi said...

Travel Monkey is upset he was not mentioned in this post. How about a monkey that was Prince Harry's roommate at Eton?

Mom said...

What about "Minion Monkey" or "Flunkey Monkey"? After all, the other monkeys need someone to do their bidding besides you two.