Saturday, December 7, 2013

Touring in Brussels

Merry Christmas from Brussels.
I took a tour with my work mates on a very cold night.  
It was lovely.

 Beautiful Brussels center.
 Note how the door doesn't line up right.  Funny how on this tour they celebrate how badly a building was made.  The architect was said to have tried to kill himself by jumping out of his oddly constructed building.  He was bullied in Brussels.
 These are little sculptures on the sides of former pubs.  See how the middle guy is slipping a beer through a window to a reluctant person.  Our guide told a story about how the guy on the right knows that the beer comes from water that is tainted by sewerage.  Or something like that... I was cold and not paying attention.
 Our tour guide said this little sculpture is symbolic of how they used to punish people who acted up.  They would stack up chairs in the pub and then put the baddie on top.  Like a game a Jenga they would pull out a chair until the offender fell on the floor when everyone would laugh at him.  More bullying in Brussels.
Strange people the Belgians.
 These are my work mates on the chilly tour of Brussels.
Beautiful, beer brewing, bullying Brussels.

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