Monday, December 9, 2013

Sunday Jazz Brunch

We had a date today with our two pals from the London cigar bar!  This time we agreed to meet up in the Canary Wharf location of the club for the jazz brunch.  There is a woman seated on stage right - she was the singer but for the first half of the afternoon we didn't hear a word she sang because her mic was off.   I kept waiting for someone to tell her and couldn't believe no one said anything song after song…..
 These restaurants are Scottish so the seats are tartan, the walls have deer heads and they serve traditional Scottish fare.  All the things I like.  This one was newer and more open than the other one we went to for Bill's birthday (which readers will recall was when we met Alex and John.  We then went back another night and met them with Roy - the guy from the Speaker's Corner.)

 I have no idea what we are talking about here but the double finger ensures that I win the debate with Alex.  (I know - it's rude to point!!  Not really happy to see myself in action…)
 Alex is a member of this club so he asked if we could go check out the Jack Vettriano room.  Jack Vettriano is a Scottish painter known for his pictures of people formally dressed dancing on the beach with a man standing by holding an umbrella. (You'd know it if you saw it.)   I guess he is a member of the club and so they have this room of his original paintings.  He's a bit poo-pooed in the art world but very successful commercially.  
 After a long brunch, we headed down to the cigar terrace….

 I'm not crazy about the Canary Wharf area - it's very new and basically it's a giant mall surrounded by tall office buildings.  But it did look pretty all lit up as the sun started to set.
 As you can see, Bill doesn't need to point rudely when he speaks.  It was a mild day but we all had warm tartan wool blankets in our laps to keep warm.  While I obviously don't care about cigars, it is a cozy idea to sit under a heat lamp with a blanket and a glass of wine on a chilly day and watch the sun set.   Bill looks like he really belongs at this club, doesn't he?  I predict a membership in 2014...

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