Monday, December 2, 2013

Barcelona Bits and Bobs

There are a lot of things you should see in Barcelona.  Bill and I only saw a few of them.  We tried to go to the Sagrada Familia (the famous Gaudi church) but there was a line around the block.  These are the moments when I'm glad Bill and I are compatible - we just looked at each other and said "Forget it!!"  Instead we went to The Pedrera and walked past The Batilo and agreed that we were Gaudied out.  His stuff is very cool but I think they are milking it with the high entry fees. A little Gaudi goes a long way.
This is the lobby of The Pedrera.
 The outside of The Batilo.
Once we got the things you are SUPPOSED to do out of the way - we could just walk all over the streets and enjoy the city.  Not sure what this big owl is on top of a building but I liked it.

I think my favorite things about Barcelona are the old narrow streets.   We spent hours wandering around the Gothic and the Born neighborhoods.  You'd think after 3 days we would learn the layout but we continued to find new alley ways and when we tried to find a store we were in twice before, we could not figure out how to get back to it a third time.  

One thing the Spanish need to learn from the Brits is that a tea pot should hold several cups of tea!!  We kept getting tea in tiny little shot glass sized tea cups and pots. Mas te, por favor!!
 Bill's mother's maiden name is Cassola so he had to pose near this little sign - 100% Cassola!  (We have no idea what this means….)
 One of our last (of many) purchases were a couple of sombreros.  I'm not sure that these look particularly Spanish but we look good, don't we?  

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