Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Royally Good Day

Another day in Windsor, another royal sighting.  I'm always the last person to know anything in this town so I was just going for my usual walk when I strutted right into a parade route.  People were starting to line the streets at 10:00 for an 11:00 AM Homecoming parade of soldiers.  The big name on the agenda was Princess Anne (that's Charles' sister for those non-royalist readers).  Since I had an hour to kill, I went for my walk and then came back to find that there was still plenty of room to get a spot right in front.
She was very friendly with the other dignitaries.  
 As soon as the parade started, she stopped chatting and turned to acknowledge the soldiers.  The parade lasted about 90 seconds.  Basically, in the time it is taking you to read this, an entire parade is over and done with in Windsor.   This little batch of soldiers walked by followed by a little band and that was it!  People waited an hour for this?  Anne just turned around and went back into Guildhall.  I don't know where the soldiers actually went so perhaps they are going to meet up with her in the castle.  Anyway, it was nice to actually be at one of these royal outings for once - I've missed several Betty events in Windsor which are painful for me to think about.

1 comment:

didi said...

Princess Anne is the one who yelled at the guy trying to kidnap & ransom her, tough chick!