Thursday, December 12, 2013

What's in Store?

Fletch's request for less Bill, more Joey is duly noted.  We will be able to comply with that in just a few days.
Please also note that the answer to my mother's eloquent question ("What the @&#@ do you have on your feet?") is my new boots from Barcelona!!!  Didn't they look good on my little Peggy Fleming legs?  (I assume your answer is no?)

And now with out further ado….a post about nothing.
As you can tell from our blog - we do a lot of shopping. While the rest of the tourists are looking at art in a museum, I like checking out the oddities in the shops.

If you are British, these are the foods that say "America" to you:  
Jolly Time Popcorn (Where do they sell BACON pop in America??)
Betty Crocker
Fluff (attention Lisa!)
Sort of a disappointing list, don't you think?
In Spain we wandered in a very funky jewelry store.  My favorite item was this guinea pig chair!! I'm sitting on dozens of stuffed guinea pigs (as in fluffy toy - not taxidermy…or we would have bought it).
This was my favorite - this little fella has his own shelf space. When I eventually go back to work in an office I'm thinking about putting this sign up outside my cube.

1 comment:

didi said...

Do I see 3 kinds of fluff there?