Saturday, November 30, 2013

Barcelona Day 2 - The Food Market

We love a good food market so when we found La Boqueria off The Rambla on day one we decided to go back on day two for lunch at one of the busy counters.  First, let's wander around the different offerings….nuts. veg, candy, mushrooms, fruit, fish (so fresh the hook is still in its mouth) and meat.

 What kid wants to eat a candy fried egg?  Those eyeballs, on the other hand, were quite tempting...
 I wish I could have bought some of these but I wasn't sure I could bring fungus back to the UK.  They look so delicious and earthy.

For lunch we wandered around until we found two seats together at a counter.  The list of tapas was long so we just told the guy to bring us whatever he recommended for lunch. Grilled seafood platter for two coming right up!

 For afters I wanted to get a crepe from a guy we watched the day before.  I chose white chocolate with strawberries.

 It was as good as it looked.  

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