Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Too Many of Them

The Eton-Windsor version of Jets vs. Sharks broke out when the Swans took on the Geese in a rumble in the Thames.  As you know, I hate the swans.  But I wouldn't bet against them in this battle.  They are dirty cheaters.

Another thing I hate is any living thing en mass.  Obviously large groups of ants and rats give me the shivers.  My uncomfortableness covers large groups of anything.
A bunch of babies - don't like them
A batch of birds - makes me think Hitchcock
A pack of puppies - there is such a thing as too-cute
A ring of little rabbits - I'd think about all the poo they produce
A crowd of kittens - I had to think hard on this one.  I could do seven kittens.  After that they become cliche and overwhelming
A division of ducklings - hmmm... maybe duckings I could put up with

Yes.  I'll give you ducklings ....


chi said...

WRONG! A pack of puppies - there can never be too many puppies! Stand down good sir!

didi said...

I'll second that, Christin!