Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The cure for arachnophobia? Shopping, of course….

One of our spider friends worked overtime on the graveyard shift.  When we woke up he had attempted to barricade us inside our house with a classic piece of webwork.  I think Jen would still be trapped if I hadn't redirected his work away from the door.
This would have been a lovely photo if it weren't for my giant head.
 There.  That's better.
 We saw this dude at Notting Hill the weekend before last.  I was immediately envious.  He out-Brited me.  I need a bowler hat, stat!
 Jen embraces life's little pleasures.  (She also embraces life's big pleasures, like heading up to Scotland on Sunday for a week in Edinburgh...
... and bringing home a giant shopping bag from Fortnum and Mason)

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