Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Arthur's Seat

Despite multiple trips to Edinburgh I have never climbed Arthur's Seat and I was determined to do it this week.  It seemed like such an easy goal when I started out.  The sun was shining.  The path was a gradual incline.  There weren't many people around and I was ready for a few hours of walking.
 In no time I was getting a beautiful view of the city.
 Then I realized that to really go up - it was going to be a climb.
 These "stairs" are steeper than they look.  Uneven.  Wet.  Slippery.  Serpentining up the side of the old volcano.  ('s_Seat,_Edinburgh)
 I think it was right around here…when I realized that I was basically on my own if I slipped or if the hurricane force winds blew me off the side of the mountain. 'I'm not crazy about heights.  Why did I think this was a good idea? 
This is Isabella from Poland.  Right about the time I was thinking of heading down, she met me coming up and said, "Let's do it together."  So we made it to the top.
360 degree views of land and water awaited us.
 Going down took some concentration.  There are no railings - just you and the rock.  But not a bad start to a work day.


chi said...

Not to mention trouncing me in FitBit - well played.....

didi said...

I knew you wouldn't give up -- and making a friend along the way is even better. Glad you didn't fall!