Thursday, November 14, 2013

Castle and a Gallery - Just Another Day in Edinburgh

I know you've seen a million pictures of the Edinburgh Castle since I take the same pictures every time I come.  But it's just so awesome up there on the mound surrounded by fall colors that I can't resist taking more and more and more...

 And Greyfriar's Kirkyard is another repeat…but I know Jessica likes a graveyard as much as I do!

And Greyfrier's Bobby -which is really going to look exactly the same every time- is still a favorite.  This is for Chi :-)
And finally something new - The Portrait Gallery!
 This was in the Science room - I don't remember who they are but they are doctors.  Or rather, they are ghosts of doctors?  Creepy but interesting.
 Sir Compton Mackenzie - he wrote the Highland Novels that were used to create the TV series Monarch of the Glen which is an old favorite of mine.  I loved the colors and the library setting and all his paraphernalia around him (glasses, papers, pipe, etc).  
"After I shoot a few deer I like to lay in the heather and use one for a leg rest." 
What are the chances he's wearing anything under that kilt?  
I've really gotten into the groove of working US hours here.  It's kind of nice to spend the morning out and about before I settle behind my laptop for a work day.  Last night my day ended with dinner with Andrea at a french restaurant in the west end but didn't take any pictures of my pigeon on black pudding starter or my duck confit.  Both were delicious. 

Random public service announcement:   Andrea and I saw Gravity on Tuesday night - highly recommend in 3D!  I don't usually make a point to see 3D versions but this really made the viewing experience.  The movie is a pretty simple story so it's all about the effects.  See it and let me know what you think.


Mom said...

Sir Compton Mackenzie reminds me of Sir Bill MacKay. Bill needs a smoking jacket.

chi said...

Thanks! Is there a story behind the pooch with the polished nose?