Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Scottish Leftovers

I'm back in Eton but I'm still thinking of Edinburgh.  And, according to this sign, Fletch is all for a return to the north! 

I spent Saturday morning and afternoon wandering around the city - doing my usual bookshop, tea, lunch, shopping kind of day.  Here I am at elevenses (the UK's term for mid morning snack).  This was a lovely moment until a toddler sitting behind me projectile vomited on it's mother.  

In 2011 an anonymous artist created book sculptures for the City of Edinburgh (plus one for local mystery writer Ian Rankin)  and left them in various literary places starting with the Scottish Poetry Library.  I think more have been created since then but the artist remains anonymous.  A few of these are on display so I went to see them for myself.  Amazing!  I first heard about these on Facebook (because I'm friends with the Scottish Book Trust - who isn't? - who posted these) but I also bought a book that talked about the details of each sculpture.  I was reading about it when the Stand By Me barf-o-rama started at the cafe so I figured it was the perfect time to go check them out. (If you want to see more of these, check out this Guardian slide show HERE)

Every post of Edinburgh should have a few majestic castle pictures.

In closing - an Eton update.  This sign was posted on the Long Walk.   Filming in the deer park - squeeeeeee! Could Colin Firth be in town?  

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