Monday, November 25, 2013

This is what happens when you don't have Thanksgiving….

We started Saturday in downtown Windsor having breakfast with Louise.  Even after living here for a year and half we still love the daily changing of the guards.

Then we headed into London.  I read that there was a Christmas market in Hyde Park.   We covered a LOT of ground before we found it.  This is my "Has anyone seen the Christmas market?" look.  As you can see, it turned out to be a cheesy amusement park so we ditched and headed over to Marylebone.

London is totally decorated for Christmas.  It started a few weeks ago and at this point, it's in full swing.  I realized that since the Brits don't have the buffer of Thanksgiving, they go right into the Christmas season from Halloween.  In the US we have a speed bump in November to keep Christmas at bay.

Love this shot - - the guy behind me must have heard us counting 1-2-3 to time the jump.  I heard him laughing after the shot and assumed he was laughing at me - not realizing that he was jumping with me!

I've been playing Charlie Brown Christmas since October so I'm good with this accelerated schedule.  I love the lights, the shopping, the music…Hello Christmas!!  :-)

1 comment:

didi said...

No shooting gallery at the amusement park?