Sunday, November 24, 2013

We love a parade ....

Actually we hate a parade.  Tend to be a bit boring and overcrowded, but that didn't stop of from attending one a few weeks ago! (We accidentally walked into it.  Our first reactions was "Shit, now how are we going to get around this?")
So we did the next best thing.  Made fun of it.
  I was hoping none of the Reinactors got mad that she was kind of mocking them with her over zealous march.  They were carrying weapons, you know.

I got more nervous when Jen yelled out "The British are coming and the Yanks still aren't worried...."
 The Belgians had sweet uniforms.  And they do not discriminate against the vertically challenged (check out the pocket size of the drummer)
"You're missing my point, Woodcock.  I do not understand why we group Isaac Newton and John Locke together when talking about Enlightenment philosophers.  Locke was a pillock, a total .......  hang on!  That bird is completely starkers!  Do you see her in that window, Woodcock?!  What a lovely pair of baps, Woodcock.  Indeed..."
 The Queen's Assistant in the City of Westminster.
 Ate a decadent lunch at E.Mishkin.  Sliders, hotdogs, mac and cheese...yum.  We should have packed the musket with a vanilla milk shake but we were worried about the ramifications of not having an emergency loo to visit while roaming about in London.

 Speaking of which, the line outside Five Guys burger joint was mystifying.  The Brits love a queue.

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