Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jen could use a little Mojo

Bill and I went to see Mojo on Friday night.  What is Mojo you ask?  A  play starring several of our favorites….Ben Whishaw, Rupert Grint (HP's Ron Weasley) and Brendan Coyle (Downton Abbey's Bates).  What's it about?  Well….we still aren't sure.  The basic plot was obvious but there seemed to be an awful lot of details that we couldn't figure out.   Questions like "Why did Baby hang Silver Johnny from his ankles in chains for 15 minutes during the third act?" plagued us the whole way home.
Happy theater-goers.
At the interval things started to get good - not on stage but in the theater - when I spotted a couple of familiar faces heading to get ice cream.  I was NOT cool.  No one else seemed to be looking at them as they took their hoodsies into a corner for a chat but I kept hovering like a fruit fly.  Despite the quality of this photo I can tell you that this is Mr Carson (from Downton) and Imelda Staunton (from many things but I'll use HP's Dolores Umbridge since I'm sure she was here to see Rupert on stage.)  They really are great actors because they pretended not to notice me as I spent 15 minutes walking back and forth around them. 
Sadly, this is our best final bow picture.  Ben is cut off on the left, Bates is cut off on the right and Rupert (left wearing tie) is completely fuzzy.
Then it occurred to me to go check out the stage door.  Just before Bill took this picture Rupert was hustled into the back of a hired car with his hoodie up.  I got there just as the door closed but he was nice enough to reciprocate my giant grin and wave as he was whisked off.
Time to head home.  All night Bill kept trying to tell me to be cool.  Act like you've been there before. "The Brits don't act like this, " he told me while I was making circles around Mr. Carson.  "The Brits also don't have 3/4s of a roast beef sandwich in their pocket at the theater!  I can only assimilate so much!"  This is me trying to eat my dinner (said sandwich) as fast as I could before the curtain went up.    That sandwich eventually went to a homeless guy so I guess it was just as well that I didn't get to eat it all in the theater.
But wait…as we were walking to the tube I realized that the man on the sidewalk next to me is Brendan Coyle (Bates)!!!  He must have left the theater from another door and no one recognized him with his cap pulled down. I was on a little island in the middle of the busy road waiting to cross with him and he looked at me and smiled.  
"Hello.  You were great tonight."  (The words came out of my mouth before I could really think about them.  I sounded like the morning after in a B-level rom com.)
"Thank you."
We crossed the street and he went on his way.


chi said...

ummmm... he was "Parw" in Candleford before he was Bates! What a great night!

didi said...

This is the most exciting post since, well, all year!!! You saw Carson! And Ron! And Bates. (Bates does not rate an ! since I am kind of sick of his whole prison storyline, but my God, I LOVE Carson.) I can't believe you didn't him to pose for a photo!
P.S. Why did you have a sandwich in your pocket?

Jen and Bill said...

Didi, I couldn't stop working early enough to have a real dinner before the show but I knew I had to eat something so I bought a roast beef baguette (with horse radish and red onions - not really theater food!) at Pret a Manger…but then I only had time for a few bites before the show started and I had to shove it in my pocket.

amp said...

We were soooo cool when we saw Em Watson on Madison Avenue recently. But her sunglasses were radiating a strong don't mess with me vibe! She is elf sized.