Monday, November 18, 2013

Brussels Jazz

Katia took me to a jazz club last week in Brussels.  It was advertised as gypsy jazz, but Katia felt it was more traditional French jazz.  Whatever it was, I liked it.  The lead singer had a good energy and was always into the music, even when he wasn't singing.  He would close his eyes when the violinist had an intricate solo, head bobbing, lost in the music.
It made me think of Joe Jackson and a Van Morrison.  Both musicians I really like but I've heard their concerts are void of any interaction with the audience.  They get on stage, do not acknowledge anyone, and walk off silently when done.  How hard is it to have a minimal of stage presence?

This guy reminded me of a Three Stooges character.
 See his presence?  He's singing to me!
 Katia and I.  She's the best host.
 I'm trying to smoke in as many countries as possible.
 The wall of famous Jazz performers.  I recognized one or two.
 My favorite audience member.  I like a big guy who goes full shaved head.  Then when he laughed and sang along he seemed to be having more fun than anyone else.
 This picture makes it seem like their was a smokey room, the only thing missing from this lovely evening.

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