Friday, November 22, 2013

What a tree lighting must have been like in 1940

It was light switch on night in Eton.
Light switch on.  The Brits say it like it is.  No frills.
Mind the gap.
 Santa came with two of his B Team reindeer.
Storm and Blizzard were called up from the minors to fill in for the night.  It must be frustrating for the second tier reindeer to crack this lineup.  Rudolph and team never get hurt or miss a game.

 I like how Santa has an accent to fit every region he visits.  Santa with a cockney accent is kind of fun.
But I bet when Santa visits the middle east and speaks in Arabic it is something special.
 Jennie and I broke off from the crowd to have a cupcake.
It was delicious.  
 Then it was time for the tree switch on.
This is the mayor.  I have to give Eton credit.  
Voting in a Hitler look a like takes a leap of faith.
 The actual tree switch on was a bit anti-climatic after the rousing speech from the Fuhrer. 

1 comment:

Mom said...

I heard on the ABC Evening News that there is currently a well-publicized, citywide appeal to find a 3-yr.-old girl's stuffed animal, Mr. Rabbit, lost while she and her family were visiting London. I assume you have Mr. Dibley on the case.