Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Edinburgh Arrival

As Bill mentioned yesterday, I'm in Scotland this week.  I wanted to spend time with Andrea before she heads back to the states and I needed time in my favorite city in the world.  (Ok, I do keep wobbling between Edinburgh and London but right now, it's Edinburgh.)  The train on Sunday was extra long due to engineering works so I was happy that I had a tiny bit of sunlight to find my flat while dragging my ridiculously heavy bag.  But that didn't stop me from pulling our my phone for a shot of this beauty on George Street.
By the time Andrea came over to see my flat it was dark out.  But that just means the castle looks majestic and glows in the moonlight.
 So where am I staying?  I found myself a little flat to rent for the week right on Thistle Street.  Come on in and check it out.  Here is the view from the outside.  I'm the door on the left next to the blue front.

It's quite spacious.  I took these during a commercial break from the Downton Abbey finale.
This is the entry way - I'm standing in the door to the living room looking back towards the bed room.  The door to the apartment is behind me to my right.  The loo is the door you can see on the right.
 To the left is the kitchen.  More kitchen than I'll know what to do with!!
Petey and Travel Monkey have settled in.  
So this is my home away from home away from home for the next week. I'll work out of the building down the street.   The only thing that could make this better would be if Bill could have joined me.  More reports from Edinburgh to come!

1 comment:

amp said...

Downton Abbey finale? Just one spoiler-ish question? Did any more main character die?