Saturday, November 16, 2013

Don't leave me alone too often, Sausage

I kept my track record of interesting dining alone experiences in Brussels.  The last time I had a nice woman ask to eat with me and somehow I ended up paying for her complete dinner (including dessert).  It was a transaction I still cannot figure out how it happened.

So this week I plopped down at a little Italian place in the touristy section of the city.  My method of selection consisted of finding a manager who was not too aggressive (they attempt to drag you off the street into their restaurant), evaluating the outside seating so that I could have a cigar without bothering people and had a heat lamp and lastly, had some local cuisine. 
I must have tourist or sucker stamped on my back because within minutes I got the guy who draws a picture of you without asking then sells it to.  I went along with it and now have the picture you see below as an artefact of my European adventure.

 Then I made the mistake of making eye contact with the accordion player.  I gave him a couple euro to  serenade me.  Except for the fact that I was alone it was lovely.

 I made a tactical error and had three Chimay's.  It's a damn strong beer.
But look at me!  Who wouldn't want to make the magic last?!
 The guys behind me became my smoking buddies.  One of them had a cigar too.  They left and a long while later walked past me and said "you're still here!"  It was a sign that I needed to move on.
 The magic became a bit too magic when my new friend, the manager of the restaurant, brought me my second gratis grappa.  My first gratis grappa I managed to subtly dump in the street when he wasn't looking.  The second was given to me as I was waving good night.  He came running out and insisted I come inside for one more.  Embracing my "hell yes!" life philosophy, I went along for the magic ride.
Grappa plus Chimay = too much magic.


Fletch said...

Another country. Woo Hoo!

didi said...

Love to see your hell yes philosophy, you only live once!