Monday, November 11, 2013

Dibley and Bill

With Jen away in Scotland I had a day to myself.  I decided to pretend Jen was here and kept to our little routine.
Caught the train out of Windsor.  Grabbed a cup of tea from our little friend, Ikra.
 Mr. Dibley and I spread out on the train.  We both like the window seat.

 Landed in Richmond where I had a lovely lunch at Pitcher and Piano overlooking the Thames and Richmond Bridge.
Pitcher and Piano is a good name.  Jen and I had this conversation yesterday.  Actually we've probably had it many other days.  What would make a good pub name?  They are often two names.  Entwistle and MacKay is too many syllables.  It would have to be Entwistle and Doug.  Or Entwistle and Fudge.
Another assignment for Mother Entwistle.
 Dibley is decent company when Jen's away.

1 comment:

Mom said...

What about "The Fudge and Sausage"?