Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Barcelona!

Bill and I flew into Barcelona for the long weekend.  This is Bill's birthday present…not the actual trip - just my AGREEING to the actual trip. Here is a tip - if you are bitchy all year and contrary to everything your partner wants, agreeing to something becomes a treat!!    
 Bill has been wanting to go to Barcelona but since I've already been (on my fabulous Lisa vacation in the 90's)  I was dragging my feet.    So for his birthday I booked us a trip over Thanksgiving.  These are pictures at our boutique hotel in the city center.  I'm outside on our private terrace - nothing but the best for my man's birthday!
 Our room - #8.  Check out that tiled floor!
 Our dinner spot - only a few doors down from the hotel.  Very cute, great food, not too touristy.  (I equate sitting next to boxes of glassware inventory as "not too touristy", right?)

 It's going to be a weekend of tapas.  This course was the grilled prawns - heads and all.  Bill asked for tips on how to eat them but the waiter basically told us to pick them up in our hands and start gnawing.
 Back to the hotel - this is me leaving Bill to smoke outside.  Happy Birthday to Bill and Happy Thanksgiving to our readers!!

1 comment:

amp said...

Looks super fun. Will there be grilled turkey tapas today?