Saturday, January 31, 2015

I love my Mom, but she has crap taste in movies

Mom and I shared a delicious Nick's pizza.  (Sorry London, your pizza is rubbish)
I walked into Mom watching a horrific Steven Seagal marathon.  She was watching this bleeding turd.  People might say that this was made in the 80's and the 80's were devoid of taste.  Wrong!
The 80's had Raiders of the Lost Arc, Ferris Bueller, E.T., Die Hard, Raging Bull (which I embarrassingly admit to not seeing), The Untouchables, Broadcast News,  The Verdict (Paul Newman's last great performance), 16 Candles (Molly Ringwald being adorable).  Even The Terminator and First Blood had their moments.
No matter what the decade, Steven Seagal stinks.  But if it makes Mom happy ..... 

Going to watch the Patriots win the SuperBowl Sunday with Mom.  More Trudi on Monday

Friday, January 30, 2015

Tunnelling home

We were home less than 24 when the boys descended upon us for a quick visit.
They have grown so much in two and a half years, yet they are still goof balls.  It may take two and a half decades to grow out of being a goof ball.
 You have to catch Malikai by surprise to get a normal smiling photo.
 The view from the porch.  Bret and Zoe gave us the best homecoming gift.  They shoveled the driveway and walkways.  We got home at 10:00pm and did not want to have to drag our luggage through 3 feet of snow.
 Speaking of Zoe and Bret, they had big news for us.
They are engaged to be married in the fall.  Right now it looks like October 8th, but they are still working it out.  We'll have to have a Zoe / Bret engagement post.  We are ecstatic to have Zoe part of the family.
I told them they should have the wedding in London.  It would be at the Vic, of course.  Jerry would preside over the service.  Jules, Jen and Ann Maria would do an interpretive dance.  We'll work on it.
 Great snow for building forts.
 My friend Sam from China asked me if we were moving houses when we got home.  He said ours is old.  Thanks Sam.
 Wyatte wasn't praying.  He was warding off werewolfs. 
 Next came some ninja poses.
 And rapper poses.  DJ Goofball.
 The hardest transition the kids will have to make is that they can't have the run of the house anymore.  Now that we live here the climbing onto of furniture may have to be turned down a notch.
 Wyatte jumps off the chair.  I like the affect of this shot... it's like it's a dream.  Or nightmare....
 Malikai making a werewolf face.
 Malikai made himself a snow blanket.
 Nice Monkey hat, Wyatte.
 Bret built a three room snow fort.  Three separate entrances that join together in the middle.  That's a record for our family.  Well done, Bret.

Their stay was quick, but I loved the fact that this is how life will be now.  Drop by's.  Quick visits.  Unplanned lunches.  It what has been missing the past two plus years.
Now if we can combine that with life in London .....

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ...

In two and a half years we have seen and done things we will remember forever.
The best memories, however, will be of the people we have met, the people that have visited us, the friends we'll keep forever.
Here are a few of those people.
If you've been reading all along, we wonder how many of these characters in our play you will recognize?
(Apologies to those we missed.  Despite taking pictures non-stop for two and a half years, there are a few of you we didn't get)