Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Night Out With The Mates

It wouldn't be the holidays without a night out with Stacey, Dave and Diane (aka Didi to blog comment readers).   This is us early in the night.  We are still calm and respectable.  When we sat down and put the bags on the counter behind our heads I said, "Those bags are going to end up in all our pictures…"  
 The boys were so happy to be together.  A golf trip to Scotland is in the works for these guys so blog readers can look forward to those posts in 2014. 
After a few drinks we like to take Angry Photos.  Look at that finger pointing action!!!  Don't I look hostile? Diane and Stacey are scared of me.  The message here is:  Don't mess with me, even in jest.
 Bill and Dave took angry to a level of fisticuffs.  Queensberry rules, boys!!
 Best picture of Stacey in 20131  Doesn't she look great?  Too bad that soup strainer made it into the shot.
Opening Presents
 And then things got a little rowdy.  This is the only photo I can share.  Yes, that is a roll of toilet paper on my head in a fine dining establishment.  Diane wound up stashing it in our Coop bag so we now have pilfered paper in our home loo.
Our time at home is passing quickly but we are trying to pack in as much fun as possible.  If only we could bring all our friends with us back to London.
Happy New Year, dear blog readers!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ghost Bill

This is what I would look like if I were a ghost.
I'm haunting Jen while I'm alive.  I don't think she could take Ghost Bill very long.
I would definitely want to be able to smoke ghost cigars as Ghost Bill.
That's how you would know Ghost Bill was near.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas in Albany

Apologies for no post yesterday, dear readers.  We were celebrating the season at my mother's house and without wifi, we couldn't share the joy with all of you.  It was Christmas in Albany with mom, my niece Heather, her boyfriend Matt and her daughter Lily.

It was a Doctor Who Christmas for Lily.  You wouldn't even believe the merchandise that is available to those who love Who.  Prominently displayed here is her new Who beach towel.  She also got a Who pillow, blanket, wii remote control shaped like the sonic screwdriver, Docor Who magazines, a Who hat, sticky notes, t shirt…when Lily stops liking the Doctor we will create our own Who themed landfill (just kidding Christin - we will repurpose and recycle, I swear!!)
 Every year we practice our acting skills with over the top reactions to our gifts.  Here are a few...

Lily bought mom some soap shaped like cheese with a little rat on it.
 I bought my mother a mounted taxidermied bat.  It's clearly easier to shop for people when they are insane.  
 Another successful Christmas - nothing left but crumbs and shredded paper.  

Friday, December 27, 2013

More Christmas!

We have a new monkey!!  He has no name and no personality yet.  Creating a monkey persona is serious business and cannot be taken lightly.  We have a history of stellar names like "Monkey" and "Other Monkey" so you can see we have a reputation for creativity to uphold.  (In other words, my mind is a blank - send monkey names.)
After 20 years of athletic jerseys and sweat pants Joey is starting to dress like an adult, in cords and khaki's and sweaters.    But just when we think he's fully integrated into adulthood he asks for silly knee high socks.
 Joey made Bill a great mug of photos from his visit to England.  And I got a photo album of our Joey and Allie UK adventures.

Bill here:  Notice how I'm wearing short sleeves in Trudie-Bake-Oven that Mom calls her home.
Even a cactus would complain about how high Mom keeps the heat.
Hats were the theme this year.  A cap for Bret...

We also got Wyatte a similar cap, as you saw in a previous post.  It's a tad too big, so Bret may have two hats for Christmas.
 An Eton boy's beanie-ish cap for Joey and a pink fluffy pimp hat for Allie.

Bill here:  I bought Joey this ridiculous hat in a posh shop in Eton.  I figured he could wear it at camp on ridiculous beanie hat day but I think he thought it was serious.  This may be the first time Joey was uncomfortable wearing something goofy.  He's worn afro wigs and teletubbie costumes, but this hat was the thing that pushed him over the edge.  Maybe it was the combination of the hat and the high socks together.
Allie, meanwhile, seemed to love her fuzzy pink thing.
 Trudi's favorite was a little portrait of Bill.

Bill here:  Who gives out paintings of themselves for Christmas?  I do!
I'm struggling to maintain relevancy with my family while I'm away in London, so this was a way to make sure I'm on their minds.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Four Generations for Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is our family Christmas day and this year we took it on the road to Trudi's. We had the little boys with us for a couple of hours in the afternoon before they needed to go home to start their own festivities and await Santa's sleigh.  
The day started out like any typical Christmas Eve - playing Doody Head.
 This is a game Mother E. gave us a few years ago. One person wears a velcro hat and the other tosses the fabric doodies.  There are different point levels for where the doody sticks to the head.  It's fun and attractive!!
 Or you could just play with the doodies.
The boys were excited but not in an over-the-top frenzy, which was great.   They were able to open a present and actually look at it, assess what it was, and say thank you while reaching for the next one.  It took me 20+ years to get that choreography down.
Time for presents!!
 I was surprised by how much the kids liked the wooden bowling games we brought home from England.  It's good to see the kids interested in something classic as opposed to something plastic.
 And, of course, every kid wants a hat.  You can't be in this family and not be fond of haberdashery.

We ended our afternoon with Playmobile.  It was a group effort - 6 adults and 2 kids under six still couldn't get these things put together before the kids had to hit the road.  I don't remember Playmobile being so labor intensive when Bret and Joey were younger.  We were struggling to figure out the diagrams and snap the pieces into place.  Let's go back to wooden bowling.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas on Atwood

Bill and I had such a wonderful Christmas that we forgot to post the blog this morning.  This is what we were doing instead - opening presents, eating, reading, and various online activities in front of the tree and a roaring fire.  
Merry Christmas, Everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Party Pictures - Post #2

It's Christmas Eve and there is a lot to do before Santa arrives.  So here is our second post of party pictures for your enjoyment.

The boys - you know it's still early in the night since they are inside the house.

 Laura does jazz hand.

We can always count on Jessica and Dima to close out the night with us.  Dima was fascinated by the wooden swords stuck in the tree. Why are they there? The better to start a late night sword fight, of course!  (And if things get too rowdy there is a protective cup "star" to keep you safe.)

Merry Christmas from our awkward family to yours!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Grandkids make an appearance

I loved this moment.  We've had a lovely trip back, seeing family and friends.  But this one scene alone made our trip back home so worth it.
Wyatte was drawing pictures with Malikai to give us for Christmas.  After he finished a Mickey Mouse picture he made himself a little pillow bed, dragged a blanket over in front of the fireplace and took a little 15 minute nap.  Totally adorable.
 Richard Malikai Nixon.
 As soon as Malikai got to my Mom's house he stripped down to his shorts and t-shirts.  I wish I did too.  Mom is at the stage in life where she is most comfortable in an 85 degree room.

 Peace to all, to all a good night.