Saturday, October 26, 2013

Flashback Friday

Back in 2000, panoramic pictures were new and exciting.  I still don't use that setting enough in my current photography but these old pics from our wedding week in Scotland seemed to deserve a post.  I tried going back to see if I posted any of these before and couldn't find them so I figured it was fair game on a slow blog day.

I know wedding attendees all remember Irene fondly (even that stranger in the back corner).  Who doesn't like to hear accordion music over breakfast?
 The Ladies of the Wedding.  Looking back now it seems odd that so many of you wore dark funereal dresses.  Was this the death of my youthful adventures?  Clearly not!
 I've always loved this bar scene.  That's Noelle's head in the foreground and Stacey in the stripes to the right.  
 Lunchtime.  I'm not sure if establishments were happy to see a crowd of hungry patrons or frightened by a gang of Yanks coming through their doors.  Other than a few updated hair styles I think we all look exactly the same!!  
Ok, now that I'm on a roll with these old shots I need to add a few others.  The ladies trying to lift Bill above our heads in the pub after the wedding...Whose hand is on Bill's inner thigh??  I just know it isn't mine.
 The aftermath of the whipped cream fight in the hotel. 
 My mother, the enabler.  
There are many more pictures from this evening that I will NOT be posting on line.  Some things are best kept in the past.  :-)

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