Sunday, October 20, 2013

Russell Square

Bill has a work meeting in London all week so we were able to come in on Saturday for an "extra" night.  We're staying in Russell Square on the 7th floor here:
The room is great but the windows are old and face the street so we got LOTS of noise last night.  I'm typing this sitting in bed with a bit of a headache left over from our dinner with Bill's work mate Peter.  It was a very fun night but this post is about our afternoon in Bloomsbury.  I should add that the internet here is slow (does a hotel exist that actually has decent wifi??) so I only have the patience to load a few pix for this post.
As soon as we arrived at the hotel we saw that there was some sort of festival going on in the park across the street.  The Bloomsbury festival was all about art, crafts, music, and food - all things we like!
First stop- books!
 Second stop - bags!
 And scarves!  (I bought the black and tan checked one to go with my leather jacket.   I HAD to buy something after that woman held up the mirror for ages while I tried on every scarf.
And just so you don't forget who I was with - here is Bill and a broader view of the festival behind him.   Perfect weather for an outside festival.

In this booth you could have your portrait drawn for a donation of your choice.   We didn't hang around to get ours done but just watched as the artists sketched.  They were actually quite good but we were ready for our caffeine.
We got a cuppa over on Lambs Conduit before we took a long walk through some new neighborhoods.  Everything was closing so we just wandered aimlessly but kept saying "Oh, we need to come back to this shop/restaurant/cafe etc"  I don't think it's possible to ever be done with London!!

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