Thursday, October 31, 2013

Have a Spooky Day!

I love a good cemetery and since it's Halloween, I thought I would post pictures of the cemetery in Hampstead.  While Bill was off getting his hair cut on Sunday, I went to check out the graveyard.  Have you ever noticed that cemeteries always have really good trees with boney limbs that look like they are going to reach out and grab you?
And everything is covered in vines so you have no idea what is under there?

These graves were dead old.  There were supposedly famous people buried here but I didn't know who any of them were except for the Llewelyn Davies family - the model for JM Barrie's Peter Pan.
We didn't get any trick or treaters last year so I'm hoping I won't be caught without candy this year.  I'm dressing as an Operations Manager and Bill is dressing as a Dandy.  What will you be?
Happy Halloween!

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