Friday, October 18, 2013

Bill has a Fitbit!

Bill bought a Fitbit - the kind that goes on your wrist rather than the kind I have that I clip to my bra.  No furtive glances down his shirt for Bill.  But the downside of his bracelet version is that he can't see his stats without synch on his phone where as I can see my exact step count at any moment of the day.

Anyway, this means we are doing some evening walks.  Our first walk took us behind the Eton buildings on to a spooky trail.   He took these pictures of me in the dark.

Last night we wandered out back to check out the tent that was put up yesterday morning.  It seems there was a circus in our back yard!!  We are always the last to know.  We got there just as it was letting out - lots of happy kids and families with glow sticks.  As soon as the tent was empty it looked like they started to take down the walls.  It's actually too foggy out this morning to see if it's still there or not.  
I went in to watch a new show (Breathless) while Bill said he wanted to stay out for more steps.  Then I got this picture on Instagram.  Doesn't look like steps to me!  Is the Fitbit just an excuse to get more cigar time?  I blame the monkeys.

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