Sunday, July 29, 2012


Our first road trip.   We decided to head to Bath which has always been a haven for us - full of shops, restaurants, gorgeous public parks and...people!  I realize now that we've always in been in England in the off season, usually traveling between March -May or October-December.  In July, during the Olympics, there are a lot of people here!
But that didn't hamper our enjoyment.  Here I am holding up a bit of scone for our readers.  It was particularly good, very dry and crumbly with raisins.  Behind me there are folks sitting on their houseboat playing guitars and singing.  
 We had dinner at a Greek restaurant on the water.  We sat under the Tattinger umbrella on the left and watched the hen parties stumble to their tables. Bill loves slag watching.   It is surprising how many bachelorettes are out every weekend here wearing veils or aprons or signs or masks and they are always drunk and falling off 3 inch stilettos.  Is this appropriate behavior for Jane Austen's Bath?  Perhaps the missing chapter to Pride & Prejudice is the drunken hen night out with Bingley's sisters.

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