Monday, July 23, 2012

First day of work from the new home office

I worked from the Eton home office today and it was good.  It will take some time to adjust to my new schedule of starting work at noon but it was nice to have a leisurely morning of reading and taking a limp around Windsor before I had to start my work day.

While I was on a 2 hour con call, Louise came by and brought us these beautiful flowers!
 And in our continuing series of house photos - here is the master bedroom complete with monkeys on the bed. We still need bedside tables so for now the mantle and the window sills are catch alls for doo dads.  There are two more closets on "my" side of the room behind where I was standing to take the picture.  As you can see, it was another beautiful day in Eton!

1 comment:

didi said...

Wow, the bedroom is beautiful. I love how clean the white walls look. The photos in the living room look nice too.