Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bill Down Under

This is Bill at work in Sydney.  I'll bet Fletcher doesn't even recognize him in a black suit and white shirt - he certainly didn't look like this at work in America.  I barely recognize him myself without something pink or paisley. This is what happens when you're the International Director of wear suits and have a string dangling from your ear.  


Fletch said...

I was previously unaware that Bill even owned a white shirt. Looks like he is now being controlled by "the man". Who knew this could happen...

chi said...

"the man" down under, no less! Maybe this is a symptom of south-of-the-equator phenomenons - just like the toilets swirling backwards.

Jen and Bill said...

There is something disturbing about the statement that my husband is being controlled by the man down under... but I guess he should do what he has to in order to fulfill my dream of living in England!