Thursday, July 26, 2012

The International Code of Florists

In the middle of the day a woman parked in front of our flat and asked if she should leave her car there while she delivered a bouquet.  She was a florist (a very chatty florist originally from Yorkshire where "you don't get anything unless you ask") and couldn't find any parking.  I could sympathize and had a flash back to my own flower delivery struggles.  So after a chat she went off with a bouquet (a replica of a woman's wedding bouquet for her anniversary).    When she came back she gave me these week old orchids which just happened to come from the pub Bill and I ate dinner the other night.    As she left she yelled that she is planning a party in Eton next year and she will pop by to invite us.  We'll see. 
 I'm running out of rooms to highlight in the house tour so here is the view to the outside world from our living room  and the view back from the car.  In the first shot, the room to the right is the kitchen, the big door to the left goes upstairs and the little door is Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs.  The car is Bill's rental - still waiting on the mini cooper.  

1 comment:

didi said...

I love Harry Potters door!