Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My soul was touched here

Moonrise Kingdom at the Screening Room tonight with Laura, Cindy, Alison and Christin.  I didn't think of taking the blog shot until after the movie when Cindy and Alison had already left.  

Christin, Laura and I were lured down State Street by the sound of bagpipes playing in front of Agave.  We got there just as they finished and one woman sitting outside the restaurant was in tears overheard saying "When something touches your soul..." I'm going to try to use that as my new catch phrase.  If this were a Wes Anderson movie we would cut to various shots of me, deadpan in various oddball garb and scenarios (on a horse wearing a bishop's hat...bailing out a small isolated sailboat with a stuffed beaver...in goggles sitting neck deep in a cannibal's boiling cauldron) saying "When something touches your soul..."  
Alas, Wes is not directing my life.  


amp said...

And, and, and how was the movie? I am a love him/hate him kind of Wes Anderson fan with Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Fantastic Mr Fox and Hotel Chevalier (Natalie Portman nekked in Paris, oo la la) in the "love" column and Life Aquatic and Darjeeling Limited relegated to the "hate" column.

Jen and Bill said...

I think the movie might be in your love column, Aaron. I think Wes is most successful when centering his story about kids who are struggling with the awkward years. Please go see it and let me know if I'm right.