Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bill is Back at Home

After a two week jaunt in Asia Pacific, Bill is finally back on familiar ground.  He spent the afternoon with a beer and a cigar in a cigar bar in Marylebone.  (on my "to do" list before moving to the UK - find out how to pronounce Marylebone... is Mary-le-bone or Marly-bone?)
I spent the morning packing for my own journey to the UK (just a visit).  The fact that Bill is wearing a long sleeve shirt and v-neck sweater means I probably won't be wearing those summer dresses I have laid out on Joey's bed.  

1 comment:

Fletch said...

I never thought I would say this, but I find myself missing Bill. I just returned from a staff meeting that Bill would have normally attended. Sadly, there was nobody wearing green pants with a pink striped shirt and smoking a cigar. It felt kind of sad not have him there to harass. How many more months until you return to the US of A?