Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Advice for a Summer Night

NPPS had apps on Denise's porch tonight until the fire alarms went off.  (Ambrose came out to tell us then ran back to his cozy seat in front of the TV unconcerned about the ear piercing shrieks or potential danger.)  We were cooking corn on the cob still in the husks on the kitchen grill. "That's the way Bill does it," according to Henry and it got a little smokey, I guess.  End result was yummy corn with a not so yummy movie - we are watching The Titanic miniseries written by Julian Fellows.  It's really quite awful but we keep watching now that we are half way through.  In an attempt to pack in as much drama and as many characters as possible every scene is over the top, every nuance of class structure is exaggerated, every look is meaningful. It's actually making me appreciate James Cameron's version a little more.
Bottom line:  
DO cook corn on a grill in the husks.  (but keep a close eye on it)
DON'T rent The Titanic miniseries.

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