Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mascot Mess

I love the pictures of Jen mimicking statues and gargoyles and such.  Here she is posing next to the newly erected Olympic mascot.
I don't understand Olympic mascots.  It seems like a marketing firm is hired to choose the most repugnant character they can think of to showcase to the world.  I picture a group of London marketing interns coming back from getting high at lunch and pitching the shittiest ideas they have as a lark.  Only the big boss thinks they are being edgy and are capturing the hearts of our youth with this quirky little cyclops.  An Olympic version of The Producers' Springtime for Hitler follows.

These little guys below are the creepy five from the Beijing Olympics.  I know it's been four years, but when I was in Beijing there wasn't any remnant of these ugly five .... things.

The Atlanta Olympics produced this drugged up plush nightmare.
"Let's go with two different color eyelids...yeah.... and lighting bolt eyebrows!  And how about crazy red sneakers!!!"
I Googled "terrible mascots" and found these guys.
Who knew Seven-Eleven had a mascot
Ohio State's "Brutus" is almost as scary as the Burger King giant head that was recently retired.
If I were in charge and was told the mascot had to be shit, I'd be literal with the directive.
This guy has a poo head.
And the Pee Poo dolls are something that I've always coveted as a Christmas gift for Jennie.
 I wonder how she would mimic these?

1 comment:

didi said...

You could glue pieces of corn to the poo...