Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Early Bird

I was about to get out the door early this morning when I heard a weird noise in the house.  It turned out to be the sound of a little bird hurling it's little bird body at the glass doors of our wood burning stove from the inside.  Hmmm...what to do.  Will it fly out the way it came?  Will it die and start to smell?  I decided to dial a neighbor and get some back up.  

Laura was over in seconds.  If you ever have a bird trapped in a major appliance, you want to be living next to Laura, the Bird Whisperer.  She was able to reach in and swaddle my little visitor in a hand towel to bring it outside.  At first it played dead which did give me time to get my camera but it was off and flying down the street before I could get a shot.   The bird is actually in this picture - - it looks like a  little smudge on the street in front of the orange house.   Bye bye Birdie!

1 comment:

didi said...

Laura swaddling the bird and helping it fly away is the perfect metaphor for her driving you to the airport tonight as you depart for England. Bye Bye Jen!