Sunday, July 22, 2012

What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday at this time I was flat on my back, popping paracetamol with codeine, and sobbing with every position change.  I googled my symptoms and self-diagnosed piriformis syndrome.  Basically I pulled my butt muscle and it was pinching my sciatic nerve which was shooting all the way down to the top of my foot in extreme pain.  Not exactly what I envisioned when I day dreamed about being in Eton with Bill.  Friday night to Sunday morning was basically shot.  

This morning I woke up and started icing my back early, popped some more codeine and found that things were drastically improved.  At this point my foot is just numb but I'll take numb over pain any day.  Here I am - happy to be numb!!
 We even made it out to the pub for Sunday Roast - the lunch time tradition in England.  Bill had beef, I had chicken and we both had plates piled high with meat, potato, and veg.
 I know every one is interested in seeing the abode (and hopefully the commode!) so I thought we could highlight a different room each night.  Tonight I am showcasing the upstairs bathroom from inside the shower.  On the left is the glass half wall that supposedly keeps the water in the shower.  It doesn't really.  What's wrong with a good old fashioned shower curtain?  Above the  towel is a big storage area and hidden behind the towel on the glass half wall is the tiny sink.  If you plan on visiting start practicing showering without splashing water around now because it will take time to master. 


Jen and Bill said...

This could be one of my all time favorite pictures of Jen.

didi said...

Wow, the place looks gorgeous. I love the garden. So glad you are up and about again.

Denise said...

Sorry to hear your back is giving you trouble, Jen! That sucks. Long air flights are definitely terrible for back pain. I discovered a yoga room at the Virgin America terminal in San Francisco and found a little pre-flight yoga was very helpful. Hope you're feeling beter soon. When are you coming back for NPPS?

Jen and Bill said...

Didi - the backyard isn't even finished yet. Someone is coming this week to put down all the stones. Right now we are walking on some weird black plastic.
Denise - I did so well during the flight, I'm not sure if that was the culprit or I was just overdoing it in the unpacking and organizing dept. I picked up a basket full of stuff and felt that muscular twang. RIght foot very cold and numb today with moderate leg pain. I assume it won't need amputating? Still no final date for return trip home but I will keep you updated!